jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010

Week 6 Carving Up The World

Another week, more things to learn.

This week we saw some stuff related to patterns (conventions), internet lacks and limitations, some concepts like ontology, taxonomy, hierarchy, folksonomy and categories.

When we are using the internet we never think about those thing called "conventions" that make our navigation easily, and the reason is very simple we don't pay enough attention.
When we visit almost any website clicking on the different sections and we want to go back home, we just click on the logo located on the top left.
Why is in the top left and not in the top right? Because of conventions, all of this "rules" have been established for making our experience on the internet easily.
But these rules don't mean that there is some "rules guy" writing how thing must be working, is because with the time people has been adapting their costumes when navigating to the easiest way possible.

We can also remember some of the concepts given in class, Ontology: "The study of that which is", Taxonomy:"Dividing up the world into chunks", Hierarchy:"Normally implying hierarchies", Categories:"As thing that are placed into categories", Folksonomy:"Another approach compared with taxonomy".

We also learned how to identify the different components on a "Machine Tag", like the namespace:predicate=value; the value can be repeated in different machine tags because the differences can be identified with the predicate or the namespace.
"Ontology is Overrated"

Cheers, Alex.

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