sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Week 11 Datavisualization

In this week lecture we learned how datavisualization has became one of the most atractive ways of showing the content to the user, everything began with the code which contains all the information that is gonna be shown, but in a nonunderstandable way.
After or before the code comes the design which depending on the kind of interactivity that we want to application.
Some of the most important features that datavisualization must have are: exploration, layering, interactivity, avilability of data, comparison of datasets.
During the tutorial we had time to analize some of the different options in datavisualization contained on a list of delicius.com, during this process of analizing the content we were asked to explain one of the sites, the
site I chosed was the differences between the people that lives on Manhattan island on NYC at daytime, and nightime, I have to say that it was not a very interactive application, but was very interesting to see how at nightime almost anyone lives on the island beacuse of the expensive prices.

viernes, 16 de abril de 2010

Week 10 Multiplicity

During this lecture we saw the concept of multiplicity, this concept was very interesting, after trying to analize the way that works some of the algorithm secuences on the uses interfaces.

The quiz the question was to "Guess Mike's Weight", and I answered "73 kilos" because I wrote kilos the answer was programmed to detect just numbers, and because my question was a mix of both WAS WRONG, and I know that every answer was ok for everyone, please fix it :-) tnks.

On the tutorial we made a team and our conclusion is the next:

Our idea is based off the same sort of concept that amazon offers. Keeping in mind this idea is most likely possible in the future.

Idea – Online, multiplicity, collective intelligence.

Extensive online 20 page personality report, based on the report it cr

eates an application for smart phones, apple product etc that categorises all your interests, sort of like a personal tag cloud. It connects with all major stores, grocery, clothing even car dealerships (assuming that these major companies have geo-tagged products – so the application can direct to you to certain items in the store based on your personal preference). It also takes your bank balance, and weekly income into consideration. It’s function is, when entering the store, e.g. Clothing store, you can go to a rack of t-shirts, tag the shirt and it comes up with other suggestions of other clothing in the store, sort of like when you get a book from amazon, it comes up with suggestions based on your previous purchases. Based on your income, it will also suggest items that you will like as well as within your price range.

The TACK is free thanks to multiple sponsors who pay money to advertise their business, if you usually get hungry at a certain time, it comes up with suggestions based on your regular food choices e.g. 1pm - 2 dollar slushies at Maccy D’s.



sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Week 9 Web 2.0

In this week we learned about web 2.0 and it's differences with the older web.
The best definition for web 2.0 is the fact of calling it "Collective Intelligence ", this takes me to the idea that for making posible the web 2.0 we need the interaction of a big amount of users.

Some of the concepts that the web 2.0 use are that it needs from usability, participation, convergence, remixability, standarization, css, and ajax.

Some of the websites that come to my mind when I say listen 2.0 are wikipedia and some of the applications that google develop for the users, in the wikipedia case it's important to know how a big group of users can write and correct every line of the content published, making these wikipedia website with web 2.0 one of the most complete online encyclopedias.

These new ways of online user interactions are modifying the web, making it more friendly and keeping it always optional aftermarket.


sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Long Week

Here im in vacations in surfers paradise, have a good day.

Cheers, Alex.